Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Sacral Chakra

2.Sacral Chakra
The sacral chakra spins slightly faster than the red root chakra so its shade of orange color. The sacral major root chakra is found mid way between your novel and the base of your spine.

A balanced and clear sacral chakras glows  with a pale, clean white interior. A dirty sacral chakra has a burnt orange color.

The sacral chakra is affected by your thoughts and feeling with respect to:-

1-CRAVINGS FOR PHYSICAL PLEASURES:-food, drink sex or thrill-seeking.

2-ADDICTIONS - drugs, alcohol, food and other substances.

3-YOUR BODY -exercise habbits, sleep patterns, weight, health and thoughts about your appearance.

If you worried or stressed about any issue concerning your body, your sacral chakra will appear dirty. You’re your sacral chakra will look enlarged.Again nothing wrong with having a large chakra we just want to make sure that all of your chakras are clean and equal in size..

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