Sunday, June 3, 2018

Suffering Due To Negative Actions

People suffer Due To Negative Actions, It doesn't mean That We Are Helpless.

Not at all! We know what it is like to feel miserable, and that is exactly how another person who is experiencing the results of his own destructive actions feels. Out of empathy and compassion, we should definitely help!

That person’s present predicament was caused by his/her own actions, but that does not mean that we stand by and relax say, “oh that’s too bad. You poor thing. You shouldn’t have done such non-virtuous actions’’

Do not think of karma in an inflexible way. Yes, that person created the cause to experience that difficulty by his/her own actions, but maybe he/she created the cause to receive help from us! But even more than that,

We all know what we would feel like if it were us in that horrible situation. We are all alike in wanting happiness and not wanting pain. It does not matter whose pain pr problem it is, it should be removed. To think, “The poor are poor because of their own past lives’ miserliness.

I would be interfering with natural process of cause and effect if I tried to help’’ is a complete misconception. We should not try to rationalize our own laziness or apathy or attachment to our superior  position by misinterpreting cause and effect. 
A sense of compassion and universal responsibility are important for our own spiritual development and for world peace

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