Thursday, June 21, 2018



Rebirth refers to a person’s mind taking one body after the other. Our body and our mind are separate entities. The body is matter and is made of atmos. The mind refers to all of our emotional and cognitive experiences, and is formless. When the body and mind are linked, we are alive, but at death, they separate. The body becomes a corpse, and the mind continues on to take another body.

Each moment of mind is a continuation of the previous moment: who we are and what we think and feel depends on who we were yesterday. Our present mind is a continuation of yesterday’s mind. That is why we can remember what happened to us in the past. One moment of our mind is caused by the previous moment of our mind. This continuity can be traced back to childhood and even to our mind when we were a fetus inside our mind stream existed: its previous moments were linked to another body.

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