Thursday, June 21, 2018


June 21, 2018 0

Rebirth refers to a person’s mind taking one body after the other. Our body and our mind are separate entities. The body is matter and is made of atmos. The mind refers to all of our emotional and cognitive experiences, and is formless. When the body and mind are linked, we are alive, but at death, they separate. The body becomes a corpse, and the mind continues on to take another body.

Each moment of mind is a continuation of the previous moment: who we are and what we think and feel depends on who we were yesterday. Our present mind is a continuation of yesterday’s mind. That is why we can remember what happened to us in the past. One moment of our mind is caused by the previous moment of our mind. This continuity can be traced back to childhood and even to our mind when we were a fetus inside our mind stream existed: its previous moments were linked to another body.

Monday, June 4, 2018

Meditation and Karma

June 04, 2018 7
What is Meditation?

Meditation is habituating ourselves with positive, constructive and realistic attitudes.It building  up good habits of the mind. Meditation is not sitting in the full - Vajra position, with an arrow-straight back and a holly expression on our face. Mediation is done by mind. Even if the body is in perfect position, if the mind is running wild and thinking about objects of attachment, that is not mediation. 

With meditation, we transform our thoughts and views so that they are more compassionate and correspond to reality.
Benefits of meditation

By building up good habits of the mind I meditation, our daily life behavior gradually changes. Our angry is subdued, we are better able to make decision and less dissatisfied are restless. These results of meditation can be experienced now. But we should always try to have a broader and more encompassing motivation to meditate than just our own present happiness. If we generate the motivation to meditate in order to make preparation for future lives, or to attain liberation from the cycle of constantly recurring problems, or the reach the state of full enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings, then natural mind will also be peaceful now. In addition, we will be able to attain those high and noble goals.

It is very beneficial to have a regular meditation practice, even if it is only for a short time each day. Do not think “I’m a working person. I can’t meditation is helpful to us, we should make a time for it every day. Even if we do not want to meditate, it is important to keep some “ quiet  time” for ourselves each day; time when we sit and reflect upon what we do and why, time when we read a book or do some chanting. It is extremely  Important that we learn to like ourselves and are happy to be alone. keeping aside some quiet time, preferable in the morning before the activities of the day are underway, is necessary, especially in modern societies where people are so busy. We always have time to nourish our bodies; we never skip a meal because we see it is important. Like-wise, we should reserve time to nourish our mind and our inner being as well, because it too is important.

Sunday, June 3, 2018

Death & Suffering

June 03, 2018 0

The purpose of contemplating impermanence, death, Suffering is not to become depressed and have the joy taken out of life. The purpose is to rid ourselves of attachment and false expectations. If we contemplate these things in such a way that we get emotionally afraid or depressed, then we are not contemplating in the right way. Rather, such subjects should make our mind calm and more lucid as the confusion caused by attachment has been ceased.

We see people and objects in an unrealistic way. Things that are changing moment by moment appear to us be constant and unchanging. That is why we are upset when they break. We may say “all these things are impermanent” our unrealistic conception is what Cause pain, because we have expectations of thing and people that cannot be fulfilled. Our loved ones cannot live forever; a relationship does not remain same, the new car will not always be shinny model just of showroom floor.

Thus, we are perpetually disappointed when we must part with those we care about, when our possessions break, when our body becomes weak or wrinkled. If we had a more realistic view of these things from the beginning and accepted their impermanence-not just from our mouth but with our heart-then such disappointment would not come.

Contemplating impermanence and death also eliminates much of the useless worries that plague us and prevent us from being happy and relaxed. Ordinary, we become upset when we criticized or insulted. We are angry we are jealous we are proud of our looks. All this attitudes are afflictive emotions which leave harmful imprints on our mental continuum that brings us problems in the future lives.

That does not mean that we become apathetic towards the people and things around us. On the contrary, by eliminating the wrong conception of permanence and the afflictive emotions which arise depending on it, our mind become clearer and more capable of enjoying things for what they are. We live more in the present, appreciating things as they are now, we worry less about small matters and less distracted when we sit for meditate. We become less ego-sensitive to every action other people do in relation to us. By reflection on impermanence and suffering, we can deal better with separation and pain when they occur.

Action & Result

June 03, 2018 1

When we see dishonest people having wealth or cruel people receiving respect and power, or kind people being robbed or dying young, we may doubt the law of cause and effect. This is because we are only looking at what is happening in the short period of time of this one life.
Many of the results we experience in this life are results of actions created in previous lives, and many of the actions we perform in this life will ripen only in future lives. The wealth of dishonest people is the result of their generosity in proceeding lives.
The wealth of dishonest people is the result of their generosity in proceeding lives. The current dishonesty is leaving the karmic seed for them to be cheated and to experience poverty in future lives.
The result given to cruel people is due to positive actions they did in the past. In the present they are misusing their power, thus creating the cause for future pain. Kind people who die young are experiencing the result of negative actions such as killing done in past lives.


When seeds, even small ones, are planted in the ground, they eventually will sprout; that is, unless they do not receive the conditions such as water, sunshine and fertilizer necessary for their growth, or unless they are burnt or pulled out of ground. The ultimate way of uprooting the karmic imprints or seeds is by meditation on the emptiness of inherent existence. This is the way to purify the afflictive emotions and the karmic imprints completely. At our level, this is rather difficult, but we still can stop the harmful imprints from ripening by doing purification. This is similar to keeping the seed from receiving water, sunshine and fertilizer.  

Purify Negative Imprints

June 03, 2018 0

Purification by means of the four opponent powers is very important. It not only Prevent  Future suffering, but also relieves the guilt or the heavy feeling we experience now. By cleansing our mind, we are able to understand the dharma better, and we are more peaceful and can concentrate better. 

The four opponent powers used to purify negative or seeds are 
2-Determination not to do the action again,
3-Taking refuge and generating an altruistic attitude towards others,
4- An actual remedial practice.

First, we acknowledge and have regret for doing the destructive action. Self-recrimination and guilt are quire useless and are just a way of emotionally torturing ourselves. With sincere regret, on the other hand, we acknowledge that we made a mistake and regret doing it.

Secondly, we make a determination not to do the action again. If it is an action that we do habitually and frequently, like criticizing others, it would be hypocritical to say we will never do that again the rest of our lives. It is better to choose a realistic amount of times and determine that we will try not to repeat the action, but will be especially mindful and make concerted effort during that period of time.

The third opponent power is that of reliance. Our destructive actions are generally in relation to either holy objects such as Buddha, dharma and sangha, or other sentient beings. To reestablish a good relationship with the holy objects we rely on them by taking refuge or seeking direction from them. To have a good relationship with other sentient beings we generate an altruistic attitude towards them so that so that we dedicate our heart to becoming Buddha in order to be able to be benefit them in the best way.

The fourth element is to do a remedial action. This may be any positive action. Listening to teachings, reading a dharma book, prostrating, making offerings, reciting the names of God, chanting mantras, making statues or paintings of God, meditation and so on. The most powerful remedial action is to meditate on emptiness.

The four opponent powers must be done repeatedly. We have done negative actions many times, so naturally we cannot expect to counteract them all at once. The stronger the four opponents powers are-the stronger our regret is, and so on-the more powerful the purification will be. It is very good to do purification with the four opponent powers every before going to sleep in order to counteract whatever destructive actions we have committed during the day.


June 03, 2018 0

Suffering occurs simply because the causes for it exist: afflictive emotions- Ignorance, attachment, anger and so on- and the actions we motivated by these misconception such as killing, stealing, lying by developing the wisdom realizing selflessness, we stop the cause of our problem. Then the pain results cannot fallow. And instead we can abide in a state of lasting happiness or nirvana.

Suffering Due To Negative Actions

June 03, 2018 0
People suffer Due To Negative Actions, It doesn't mean That We Are Helpless.

Not at all! We know what it is like to feel miserable, and that is exactly how another person who is experiencing the results of his own destructive actions feels. Out of empathy and compassion, we should definitely help!

That person’s present predicament was caused by his/her own actions, but that does not mean that we stand by and relax say, “oh that’s too bad. You poor thing. You shouldn’t have done such non-virtuous actions’’

Do not think of karma in an inflexible way. Yes, that person created the cause to experience that difficulty by his/her own actions, but maybe he/she created the cause to receive help from us! But even more than that,

We all know what we would feel like if it were us in that horrible situation. We are all alike in wanting happiness and not wanting pain. It does not matter whose pain pr problem it is, it should be removed. To think, “The poor are poor because of their own past lives’ miserliness.

I would be interfering with natural process of cause and effect if I tried to help’’ is a complete misconception. We should not try to rationalize our own laziness or apathy or attachment to our superior  position by misinterpreting cause and effect. 
A sense of compassion and universal responsibility are important for our own spiritual development and for world peace