Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Throat Chakra

5.Throat Chakra
It is a fifth major chakra is in the Adamn’s apple area and is called throat chakra. It spin at fast rate and the color of this chakra is sky-blue. A clean throat chakras look like sparkling and sunshiny day and dirty chakra look like dismal day.
The throat chakra is affected by thoughts and feeling related to:-

1.COMMUNICATION PROJECTS:- Speaking channeling, teaching other people, singing, writing.

2.SPEAKING YOUR TRUTH TO:- Your love ones, your client, customers, yourself.

3.ASKING FOR YOUR NEEDS TO BE MET:- By god, your loved ones, co-workers and yourself.

Fear about communicating shrink the throat chakra and often create physical discomfort in the area. Resulting  in imbalanced and disproportionately large in size.

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