Thursday, May 31, 2018

Third Eye

6.Third Eye

It is a sixth chakras are inside your head, just above your left and right ears. It is in  Reddist-violet. Clean ear chakras look sparkling maroon jewels, dirty ear chakras look opaque, with no light coming through them. Muddy and dark colored.

This chakras related to your thoughts and feeling about:-

1-WHAT YOUR HEAR OR HAVE HEARD:- Negative and positive messages, the music, noises in your surrounding, unforgiveness, mentally replaying loving.

2-DIVINE COMMUNICATION:- Desire to hear the voice of god, and the spiritual realm.

This chakras are an important element in developing clair audeience which means “clear hearing”. It allows you higher self, angels, ear chakras often become clogged if we hold unforgiveness toward a person who said something that felt painful to hear. They also become dirty if we fear hearing god’s guidance for any reasons.

It is a major chakra is between the two eyes. Most commonly call it the third eyes and for good reason. There is nothing else except what is  in your heart and mind it is only an illusion that material world exists outside of and separate from you.
Third eye records a movie of your entire life including everything you think, fell and do. It also records emotions felt by every one with who you come in contact.
The color of third eye chakra is in deep indigo blue with sparkles of white and flashes of purple lights.

The third eye chakra is effected by thoughts and feeling relating to...

1-THE FUTURE:- Your desire or clearly see what is in store for you.

2-THE PAST:- If a vision that you had frightened you, past you can see your.

3-BELIEFS ABOUT SPIRITS:- Your desire to see, fear of seeing, angels.

When the Third eye chakra is cleansed, you will see the eye of your higher self clearly looking at your seeing an eyelid over the third eye signifies a closed third eyes.

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