Thursday, May 31, 2018

Crown Chakra

7.Crown Chakra
The ninth major chakra is found near the inside of the top of the head. It color in vivid royal purple. Its essential to “clear knowing” Which is the ability to receive thought, information and ideas from the divine mind or unconscious.

The crown chakra is affected by thoughts and feeling relating to:-

1.RELIGION OR SPIRITUALITY:- Our anger or unforgiveness can clog our crown chakra.

2.GOD:- Indifferent, angry at our creator, whether we feel close.

3.DIVINE GUIDANCE:- Our feeling about receiving direction or ideas from the universal source.

4.TRUST:- Our willingness or unwillingness to receive information or facts from etheric plane, without knowing “how’’ we know.
A clean crown chakras glows in a beautiful rich shade of purple, crown chakras clogged with unheated emotions and bitter thoughts about dive guidance god, negative religious experience look as dark as night sky.

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